Gordon Burns

Another Perthshire Writer

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gordon burns

Je ne regrette rien except spelling, punctuation and grammar - I half-thought to make my pen name Gramling Spellmar but despair not - look to the content and find the jewels of tales threaded therein.

Brought up in Perth, I now live in Abernethy, Perthshire, so does a seven mile difference from P to A make me well travelled? Fortunately Scotland, rich in folklore, ballad and legend, is the quarry for my writing that and the experience of life that is common for all people worldwide for there are no new stories to be told but like a terminus we all destined for, there are a myriad of dark/colourful, smooth/rough, glad/sad ways to get there. My writing is adventurous, romantic, teenage fiction, fantasy, historic, relationship issues, love stories - basically the novel.

So what have I told you? Not much for I am extraneous for it the characters are all important - Arainwyn, Asa, Duncan and many other characters - you may find yourself there. Enjoy finding out - do or don't, please let me know. visit my website


calgarian reel
stoneset odds
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